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Building character in your teen athlete | Lessons on learning from adversity in sport

adversity character how to deal with losing losing in sport sport mental training Apr 09, 2020
SportExcel High-Performance Leadership
Building character in your teen athlete | Lessons on learning from adversity in sport

Building character in your teen athlete | Lessons on learning from adversity in sport

Top athletes by nature are perfectionists. Not only do they want it “now,” they want it to be achieved somewhat painlessly—as do their parents. And thus far, I’ve rarely, if ever, seen either of those outcomes become a reality, as learning to win will take some time, and learning to win requires a high degree of (meaning a lot of) losing and pain.

So, in this podcast, I’ve come up with a list of seven things that every parent (coach) should know about dealing with adversity in the process of learning how to win.

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